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Limited Time: Enrollment Is Now Open!

How To Build a Blazing Freelance Business—

Without Dry Spells, Cold Calling, or Begging for Work

Get the proven, step-by-step framework for taking control of your career, your income, and your life

Limited Time: Enrollment Is Now Open!

How To Build a Blazing Freelance Business—

Without Dry Spells, Cold Calling, or Begging for Work

Get the proven, step-by-step framework for taking control of your career, your income, and your life

Think Freelancing Is Risky?

You’re Right, It Is—the Way MOST People Do it

For most people, freelancing means putting up a website, changing their LinkedIn profile, and HOPING that clients find them.

Or they think that they can rely on sites like Upwork or Freelancer to offer steady, well-paying work. Nope!

Both of these “tactics” put the control in everyone else’s hands. And when other people control your work and your income, you’ll ALWAYS be worried about when and if work is coming in—and when and if you’ll be able to pay your bills.

The truth is that freelancing IS risky—but only when people get into it without a proven, step-by-step plan for controlling their own opportunities: finding and landing regular, high-paying work.

You Can’t Rely on a “Safe” Job Anymore

If there’s one thing that’s abundantly clear, it’s that you can’t rely on a full-time, on-staff job as your “security” anymore. Industries change, economies change, heck, even pandemics pop up, and all of a sudden loyal employees are thrown into unemployment.

Building a freelance business means you’ve always got your own back. Even if you like your full-time job and intend to keep it, your freelance business means that you’re always more stable and safer because you can dial up that income when and if you need to.

You can freelance part-time for extra cash…but you can also know you’ve got a lucrative safety net and the exact strategy for increasing your income any time you need it.

Following a Proven, Step-by-Step System Puts YOU in Control of Your Income, Your Opportunities, and Your Life

Look, nobody’s born knowing how to build a freelance business! And just like with anything else we don’t know, we need people to teach us.

If you’ve tried freelancing and struggled to make ends meet (or if you’ve been interested but worried about making a go of it), it’s not your fault! Most advice about freelancing comes down to a wish and a prayer.

Wishing and hoping is not how you get to a six-figure income.

If you wanted to build a house, you wouldn’t just get a hammer and wood and start nailing it together, right? No—you’d follow a blueprint: a plan that you know will work and will yield you a stable house.

And it’s the same thing with freelancing. You get to a stable, thriving—and increasing!—income by following a plan that works. And the good news? The plan is shockingly easy to follow.

Success is possible and you CAN do it.

Look, nobody’s born knowing how to build a freelance business! And just like with anything else we don’t know, we need people to teach us.

If you’ve tried freelancing and struggled to make ends meet (or if you’ve been interested but worried about making a go of it), it’s not your fault! Most advice about freelancing comes down to a wish and a prayer.

Wishing and hoping is not how you get to a six-figure income.

If you wanted to build a house, you wouldn’t just get a hammer and wood and start nailing it together, right? No—you’d follow a blueprint: a plan that you know will work and will yield you a stable house.

And it’s the same thing with freelancing. You get to a stable, thriving—and increasing!—income by following a plan that works. And the good news? The plan is shockingly easy to follow.

Success is possible and you CAN do it.

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Meet Your Head Freelancing Coach

Hey There!

My name is Nicki Krawczyk, and I’m a freelancer, copywriter, and founder of Throughout the past 20+ years, I’ve freelanced for multibillion-dollar companies like Hasbro, adidas, and Keurig, for solopreneurs, and for just about every size business in between. And, for the past decade, my team and I have taught people to build thriving freelance copywriting careers of their own.

Today, we take the principles and proprietary systems we’d previously shared only with copywriters and teach freelancers of ALL kinds how to build thriving, stable, and sustainable freelance businesses (and incomes!). If you’ve been scared to try freelancing or wondered why you struggled, here’s the great news: There’s no magic to success; it’s just about following a framework that works.

And now, you’re not in it alone.

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Meet Your Head Freelancing Coach

Hey There!

My name is Nicki Krawczyk, and I’m a freelancer, copywriter, and founder of Throughout the past 20+ years, I’ve freelanced for multibillion-dollar companies like Hasbro, adidas, and Keurig, for solopreneurs, and for just about every size business in between. And, for the past decade, my team and I have taught people to build thriving freelance copywriting careers of their own.

Today, we take the principles and proprietary systems we’d previously shared only with copywriters and teach freelancers of ALL kinds how to build thriving, stable, and sustainable freelance businesses (and incomes!). If you’ve been scared to try freelancing or wondered why you struggled, here’s the great news: There’s no magic to success; it’s just about following a framework that works.

And now, you’re not in it alone.

Introducing the

Freelance Success Framework

Get on the proven path to freelance success
—with personal support to get you there fast

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What You'll Find Inside:

Module 1

Getting Started

This is where you’re going to learn the essential elements for setting yourself up for success so that you can build your business and continually thrive. Ever dive into something with tons of excitement…only to give up after that excitement petered out? Yup, this module is going to fix that. This will lay essential foundations for your freelance success.

Module 2

You’re in Business

No business is successful without specific, carefully made plans. And if that thought intimidates you, don’t worry! This module gives you the exact steps to plan out where you’re going so that your road map to success is completely clear.

Module 3

Your Positioning Framework

The bad news? You’re not the only person offering your services. You’ve got competition. The good news? You’re getting an easy-to-follow framework for setting yourself apart from that competition and demonstrating to potential clients why YOU are the one they should work with!

Module 4

Creating Your Professional Presence

Yes, you need a website and social media profiles. But they have to be carefully created and strategic! This module is all about EXACTLY how to create a compelling website and social presence that clearly and unequivocally demonstrate your immense skill and value so that you have potential clients clamoring to work with you.

Module 5

The Freelance Pricing Framework

Pricing services is one thing that trips up just about every single freelancer. How much should you charge? When and how? By the hour? By the project? Should you sell packages? Great news: We break it all down here so that you can feel confident in your pricing and know that you’re making great money for what you do. Oh, and so you can feel confident raising your rates as you go!

Module 6

The Client Landing Framework

This is the exact, PROVEN system for crafting pitches that are welcomed, saved, and, most importantly, responded to by potential clients! You’ll learn how to find the perfect potential clients, how to research them, how to pitch them, and then how to turn it into a rinse-and-repeat system so that you can rely on a consistent, strong, and steadily increasing income!

Module 7

The Project Process Framework

Wondering what happens after you pitch a client? You’ll learn exactly what to do and say at every step of the process—from the call after they get your pitch to sending through your quote to reviewing your work to sending your invoice—and ALL the steps in between so that you can feel confident and present yourself like a pro. Plus, you’ll learn EXACTLY what to say when clients don’t respond the way you want them to.

Module 8

How To Keep Working Coming In

This is all about additional tactics and tools to ensure that you’ve always got ample work—and income—coming in! Ready to be rolling in revenue? That’s what this module is all about!

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We know that you'll be thrilled with the Freelance Success Framework and with the results you get. In short, the Framework works if you work it.

That's why, if you do all the work and you haven't gotten results, you can turn your work in to get your money back.

No this is NOT a no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee. And no, we don’t make it super easy to cancel. Why? The point of this policy is to give you full assurance that doing the work will yield the results and safeguard you if—somehow, honestly, inexplicably—it doesn’t. (If you don’t do the work, we’re not responsible for your inability to yield the results. Which makes sense, right?)

We’re serious about freelancing and we want to work with people who are just as serious about themselves and their careers. We’re going all in on you and we want to make sure you’re just as dedicated. You can find the full terms and conditions below.

Additional Bonuses!

Bonus 1

How To Get More Work From Your Clients. The easiest way to get more work and income isn’t to land more clients—it’s to land more work from clients who already love you! This is an exact system for how to pitch more valuable work to clients and keep them always coming back for more.

Bonus 2

How To Use Job Boards the SMART Way. Not EVERY type of job board is bad! In this bonus, you’ll learn which job boards to check out and how to apply for work and projects in ways that make you stand out from the crowd as the kind of pro these posters are DYING to work with.

Bonus 3

How To Get Work From Recruiters. Want someone to bring YOU opportunities for a change? This bonus is all about exactly how to work with recruiters so that you’re a hot commodity for them and you’ve got someone else out there looking for opportunities and pitching your services FOR you!

Bonus 4

How To Have Difficult Client Conversations. Worried about what happens if a client wants to negotiate? Or if they’re late paying? Or if they want more work than what you quoted for? Don’t be! In this bonus, we go through ALL of the most common tricky client issues and give you the EXACT things to say to fix the issues in your favor so that you can feel confident you know what to do no matter WHAT comes up!

Bonus 5

How To Coach Your Clients to Work With You. Sometimes the trickiest thing about projects is the clients themselves! But it’s not their faults—they just don’t know HOW to be clients. In this bonus, you’re going to learn how to surreptitiously coach your clients to make them super easy to work with—all while they’re LOVING what a professional and reliable partner you are.

Bonus 6

Advanced Pricing Strategies. Want to get more creative with your pricing? Or offer options that increase the chances that a client will say “YES, sign me up!” This bonus is all about different strategies you can use to increase your revenue and dramatically dial up the value clients see in your work!

Bonus 7

Finances for Freelancers. Confused about taxes, insurance, and legal stuff? Of course you are! But you don’t need to be. This bonus breaks down everything you need to know in easy-to-understand terms and easy-to-do action steps. You’ll feel confident in your finances so you can focus on what you do best!

Bonus 8

The 6-Figure (and Beyond!) Freelance Business Plan. If you’re the kind of person who loves planners and journals and action sheets and spreadsheets, then this bonus is for you! You’ll be diving deep into exactly what you want your business to look like, what you want your life to look like, what goals you need to hit to get you there, and exactly how and when to accomplish your goals! Want a step-by-step, GPS-guided map to your dream life? Here it is!

So, What’s All of This Worth?

Freelance Success Framework: $1,497

8 Bonuses: $397 each or $3,176 total

Total Value: $5,070

But that’s not what you’ll pay…

Pay-In-Full (Save $54 More!)

Single Payment


$497 USD

Freelance Success Framework Course

8 Course Bonuses

Lifetime Course Access

3-Part Payments

3 Monthly Payments


$197 USD

Freelance Success Framework Course

8 Course Bonuses

Lifetime Course Access

Additional Bonuses!

Bonus 1

How To Get More Work From Your Clients. The easiest way to get more work and income isn’t to land more clients—it’s to land more work from clients who already love you! This is an exact system for how to pitch more valuable work to clients and keep them always coming back for more.

Bonus 2

How To Use Job Boards the SMART Way. Not EVERY type of job board is bad! In this bonus, you’ll learn which job boards to check out and how to apply for work and projects in ways that make you stand out from the crowd as the kind of pro these posters are DYING to work with.

Bonus 3

How To Get Work From Recruiters. Want someone to bring YOU opportunities for a change? This bonus is all about exactly how to work with recruiters so that you’re a hot commodity for them and you’ve got someone else out there looking for opportunities and pitching your services FOR you!

Bonus 4

How To Have Difficult Client Conversations. Worried about what happens if a client wants to negotiate? Or if they’re late paying? Or if they want more work than what you quoted for? Don’t be! In this bonus, we go through ALL of the most common tricky client issues and give you the EXACT things to say to fix the issues in your favor so that you can feel confident you know what to do no matter WHAT comes up!

Bonus 5

How To Coach Your Clients to Work With You. Sometimes the trickiest thing about projects is the clients themselves! But it’s not their faults—they just don’t know HOW to be clients. In this bonus, you’re going to learn how to surreptitiously coach your clients to make them super easy to work with—all while they’re LOVING what a professional and reliable partner you are.

Bonus 6

Advanced Pricing Strategies. Want to get more creative with your pricing? Or offer options that increase the chances that a client will say “YES, sign me up!” This bonus is all about different strategies you can use to increase your revenue and dramatically dial up the value clients see in your work!

Bonus 7

Finances for Freelancers. Confused about taxes, insurance, and legal stuff? Of course you are! But you don’t need to be. This bonus breaks down everything you need to know in easy-to-understand terms and easy-to-do action steps. You’ll feel confident in your finances so you can focus on what you do best!

Bonus 8

The 6-Figure (and Beyond!) Freelance Business Plan. If you’re the kind of person who loves planners and journals and action sheets and spreadsheets, then this bonus is for you! You’ll be diving deep into exactly what you want your business to look like, what you want your life to look like, what goals you need to hit to get you there, and exactly how and when to accomplish your goals! Want a step-by-step, GPS-guided map to your dream life? Here it is!

So, What’s All of This Worth?

Freelance Success Framework: $1,497

8 Bonuses: $397 each or $3,176 total

Total Value: $5,070

But that’s not what you’ll pay…

Pay-In-Full (Save $54 More!)

Single Payment


$497 USD

Freelance Success Framework Course

8 Course Bonuses

Lifetime Course Access

3-Part Payments

3 Monthly Payments


$197 USD

Freelance Success Framework Course

8 Course Bonuses

Lifetime Course Access

Here’s What Our Students Have To Say About Our Trainings!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the course?

The course is self-paced. You can go through it as quickly or as slowly as you want. You can dedicate hours a day to it, or, if you only have 10 minutes a day to go through it, you can do that. It’s entirely up to your schedule. And, of course, you get life-time access to all the trainings so you can even take a break and come back if you need to. Life happens, right? But you don’t have to worry about it; you’ll always have access to it.

Is this course good for someone who’s brand-new to freelancing?

Absolutely. I created this course to take you from knowing absolutely nothing about freelancing to having a thriving freelance business. That said, though, this is also for the people who’ve dipped their toes into freelancing but haven’t seen any success. Like I said, it’s hard, if not impossible, to be successful at freelancing without the right action plan. Without taking the right steps. And that’s what we give you—the exact action plan and the exact steps to take.

The Freelance Success Framework is NOT for you if you’re looking for a get-rich-quick scheme. I can’t emphasize that enough: This is not a gimmick. This is real career training for people who are serious about creating successful, thriving freelance careers. This isn’t one of those bait-and-switch, “make six figures in your first month in your pajamas” programs. Those are absurd. It’s perfectly possible to make six figures, but it’s probably not going to happen in your first few months. This is the real deal stuff. It works if you work it, and I’m always here to support you, guide you, and help you.

Does this work outside of the U.S.?

Absolutely! The principles and tactics that you’ll learn work for freelancers all over the world—and they work for landing clients all over the world. No matter where you are and no matter where your clients are, it all works.

How is this different from other courses?

Great question! You’ve already seen that a lot of the adages and advice that other freelance coaches give may SOUND easy or wise, but they don’t actually work in real life. Do they do that because they haven’t actually been freelancers all that long and they don’t know? Or are they trying to sell people by telling them what they want to hear? Either way, we’re different.

This course is based on real-world, practical tactics and techniques—the ones that work, not the ones that sound easy or like they’ll get you rich quick. What I’ve done is taken everything I’ve learned in my 20+ years of freelancing, the tactics that have helped me land and write for clients like Reebok, adidas, Hasbro, TripAdvisor, all of those, and put them into this course. Plus, you have my team’s help and support. Don’t forget that we’re in the weeds with you. We’re not just running this company; we’re still freelancing for clients all the time. We’re in this with you. Our company is only successful when our students are successful. We are all personally vested in making sure you land clients, build your business, and have an amazing freelancing career. You’re not dealing with some faraway corporation; you’re dealing with me and my team.

What's the difference between this and the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy?

If you've heard about our company's other course, the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy, and you're wondering how they compare, here's what you need to know.

The Comprehensive Copywriting Academy is for people who want to become copywriters. It teaches them how to write copy as well as how to build a successful career (either on-staff or as a freelancer). If you want to be a copywriter and you want to learn more, click here.

The Freelance Success Framework is for people who want freelance success in any industry OTHER than copywriting. We've taken the proven tactics and strategies that have worked for our copywriting students and created this course so that people in any industry could build thriving, sustainable freelance careers.

What if I’m not ready to get started yet?

So, as they say, the best time to get started was last year. The next best time is right now. You don’t need to be completely ready! Your lifetime access means that the course is ready for you whenever you’re ready for it. Remember, too, that you don’t need to dedicate three hours every night to it; you can make progress with just 15 minutes a day. Also, you may never “feel” ready—there’s always something in life that will get in the way of the progress that we want to make. The key isn’t to wait until the “right time” (since the “right time” will never come); it’s to get started NOW and keep taking steps forward, even if they’re very small steps. You can complete a full marathon making baby steps—as long as you actually take the steps.

I’ve already tried another training and it didn’t work for me. How can I know this will work?

There are a lot of crappy trainings out there. But that’s why I’ve added in my 30-day “it works if you work it” guarantee. If you do all of the work and (somehow!) it doesn’t work for you, you can turn in your work within 30 days to get your money back. It works if you work it!

I’ve bought other digital trainings before and didn’t finish them. Will this be different?

Me, too! But with other courses, two big things have been missing. First, accountability. Your fellow students and I are right there with you, working beside you, and helping you make sure you stick with it. And second, this isn’t just some little course to teach you some little tactic. This is designed to change your life. You stick with something when you have a big enough reason. And if your reason is that you’re FINALLY ready to have a fulfilling job that pays you well, if you’re FINALLY ready to give yourself (and, if you have one, your family) the kind of life you deserve, if you’re finally ready to take yourself and your life seriously, that’s your big reason! You stick with it because you owe it to yourself to change your life!

This is for you if:

You’ve struggled with building a freelance business in the past OR you’ve been afraid to get started

You have a skill set you could sell to businesses as a freelancer service provider (hint: you do)

You understand that real success means you’ll have to do the work—and you’re dedicated to doing it

You’re open to learning new things and trying new tactics

You know that nerves or self-doubt will probably pop up, but you’re dedicated to working through them

You want to enjoy what you do for a living (and, dare we say it, actually look forward to Mondays!)

You want to work from where you want to—whether that’s from your kitchen table or a café in France

You want to be the one who decides how much you work—and how much you make

-------- This is NOT for you if: --------

You want to build a business selling to consumers (examples, a kids party business, wedding photography, Etsy seller, etc.)

You’re not open to learning anything new

You’re not willing to do the work

You’re not willing to follow carefully laid out steps

You’d prefer staying in your comfort zone to making the most of your life

What are you waiting for?

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the course?

The course is self-paced. You can go through it as quickly or as slowly as you want. You can dedicate hours a day to it, or, if you only have 10 minutes a day to go through it, you can do that. It’s entirely up to your schedule. And, of course, you get life-time access to all the trainings so you can even take a break and come back if you need to. Life happens, right? But you don’t have to worry about it; you’ll always have access to it.

Is this course good for someone who’s brand-new to freelancing?

Absolutely. I created this course to take you from knowing absolutely nothing about freelancing to having a thriving freelance business. That said, though, this is also for the people who’ve dipped their toes into freelancing but haven’t seen any success. Like I said, it’s hard, if not impossible, to be successful at freelancing without the right action plan. Without taking the right steps. And that’s what we give you—the exact action plan and the exact steps to take.

The Freelance Success Framework is NOT for you if you’re looking for a get-rich-quick scheme. I can’t emphasize that enough: This is not a gimmick. This is real career training for people who are serious about creating successful, thriving freelance careers. This isn’t one of those bait-and-switch, “make six figures in your first month in your pajamas” programs. Those are absurd. It’s perfectly possible to make six figures, but it’s probably not going to happen in your first few months. This is the real deal stuff. It works if you work it, and I’m always here to support you, guide you, and help you.

Does this work outside of the U.S.?

Absolutely! The principles and tactics that you’ll learn work for freelancers all over the world—and they work for landing clients all over the world. No matter where you are and no matter where your clients are, it all works.

How is this different from other courses?

Great question! You’ve already seen that a lot of the adages and advice that other freelance coaches give may SOUND easy or wise, but they don’t actually work in real life. Do they do that because they haven’t actually been freelancers all that long and they don’t know? Or are they trying to sell people by telling them what they want to hear? Either way, we’re different.

This course is based on real-world, practical tactics and techniques—the ones that work, not the ones that sound easy or like they’ll get you rich quick. What I’ve done is taken everything I’ve learned in my 20+ years of freelancing, the tactics that have helped me land and write for clients like Reebok, adidas, Hasbro, TripAdvisor, all of those, and put them into this course. Plus, you have my team’s help and support. Don’t forget that we’re in the weeds with you. We’re not just running this company; we’re still freelancing for clients all the time. We’re in this with you. Our company is only successful when our students are successful. We are all personally vested in making sure you land clients, build your business, and have an amazing freelancing career. You’re not dealing with some faraway corporation; you’re dealing with me and my team.

What's the difference between this and the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy?

If you've heard about our company's other course, the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy, and you're wondering how they compare, here's what you need to know.

The Comprehensive Copywriting Academy is for people who want to become copywriters. It teaches them how to write copy as well as how to build a successful career (either on-staff or as a freelancer). If you want to be a copywriter and you want to learn more, click here.

The Freelance Success Framework is for people who want freelance success in any industry OTHER than copywriting. We've taken the proven tactics and strategies that have worked for our copywriting students and created this course so that people in any industry could build thriving, sustainable freelance careers.

What if I’m not ready to get started yet?

So, as they say, the best time to get started was last year. The next best time is right now. You don’t need to be completely ready! Your lifetime access means that the course is ready for you whenever you’re ready for it. Remember, too, that you don’t need to dedicate three hours every night to it; you can make progress with just 15 minutes a day. Also, you may never “feel” ready—there’s always something in life that will get in the way of the progress that we want to make. The key isn’t to wait until the “right time” (since the “right time” will never come); it’s to get started NOW and keep taking steps forward, even if they’re very small steps. You can complete a full marathon making baby steps—as long as you actually take the steps.

I’ve already tried another training and it didn’t work for me. How can I know this will work?

There are a lot of crappy trainings out there. But that’s why I’ve added in my 30-day “it works if you work it” guarantee. If you do all of the work and (somehow!) it doesn’t work for you, you can turn in your work within 30 days to get your money back. It works if you work it!

I’ve bought other digital trainings before and didn’t finish them. Will this be different?

Me, too! But with other courses, two big things have been missing. First, accountability. Your fellow students and I are right there with you, working beside you, and helping you make sure you stick with it. And second, this isn’t just some little course to teach you some little tactic. This is designed to change your life. You stick with something when you have a big enough reason. And if your reason is that you’re FINALLY ready to have a fulfilling job that pays you well, if you’re FINALLY ready to give yourself (and, if you have one, your family) the kind of life you deserve, if you’re finally ready to take yourself and your life seriously, that’s your big reason! You stick with it because you owe it to yourself to change your life!

This is for you if:

You’ve struggled with building a freelance business in the past OR you’ve been afraid to get started

You have a skill set you could sell to businesses as a freelancer service provider (hint: you do)

You understand that real success means you’ll have to do the work—and you’re dedicated to doing it

You’re open to learning new things and trying new tactics

You know that nerves or self-doubt will probably pop up, but you’re dedicated to working through them

You want to enjoy what you do for a living (and, dare we say it, actually look forward to Mondays!)

You want to work from where you want to—whether that’s from your kitchen table or a café in France

You want to be the one who decides how much you work—and how much you make

This is NOT for you if:

You want to build a business selling to consumers (examples, a kids party business, wedding photography, Etsy seller, etc.)

You’re not open to learning anything new

You’re not willing to do the work

You’re not willing to follow carefully laid out steps

You’d prefer staying in your comfort zone to making the most of your life

What are you waiting for?

What Is Your Freedom (and Security) Worth to You? Some Math…

Okay, obviously, you can’t put a price on freedom and you can’t put a price on security. But what we CAN do is put a price on your services and get a quick snapshot at some sample earning potential.

What Is Your Freedom (and Security) Worth to You?

Some Math…

Okay, obviously, you can’t put a price on freedom and you can’t put a price on security. But what we CAN do is put a price on your services and get a quick snapshot at some sample earning potential.


Let’s say, with your Freelance Success Framework training, in a month you’re ready to go out there and get some clients, and you land:

  • 2 clients for $500 each
  • 5 clients for $400 each
  • And you convert 5 clients to regular monthly projects for $200 each

That’s $4,000. And, of course, this isn’t a guarantee. You could make much more or less—that’s entirely up to you to put the course into action. Could you double that and make $8,000? Absolutely!

But let’s say it’s one of your first months, so you’re just ramping up and you make $4,000.

$4,000/$497 = 8x

You’ll have made back this investment over 8 times in just one month.


Or let’s say you land a full-time contract freelancing gig that pays you $40 an hour. (And yeah, I’m being conservative with that rate!)

That’s $40 an hour times 40 hours a week times 4 weeks in a month. That’s $6,400 a month or $83,200 a year.

In that ONE month, $6,400/$497 = 12x. You’ll have made back this investment 12 times over.

And that’s just in one sample month. So, let’s extrapolate a bit. Let’s say you commit to this, you ask questions, you get feedback, you do the work, and you scale up your freelance income to $100,000 for the year. Six figures.

The Freelance Success Framework will have paid for itself 200 times over.

And over the course of your entire freelance career? We’ll let you do the math on that. ☺

So, You've Got Two Choices

Choice One

You could keep doing what you’re doing, laboring away at a job that you don’t like that makes you dread getting up in the morning AND that pays you so much less than you’re worth on top of it. You could keep putting your trust in an on-staff job that, frankly, isn’t worthy of your trust. You could keep relying on one paycheck and one income source. Choice one is to keep living that life and to keep living it indefinitely.

Choice Two

You confirm for yourself that your life and your happiness are worth more than what you’ve been settling for. That the 80,000 hours (at least) you’ll spend working in your life won’t be just an underpaid slog. That you won’t be putting your livelihood at risk by putting all your eggs in one basket. That you won’t look back years later and wish you’d taken the chance to freelance and travel or wish you’d freelanced and spent more time with your loved ones. I mean, regrets like those aren’t what we dreamt about as kids, right?

Choice two is that you move forward and take control of your career, your income, and your life. You can do this and you’re about to get all the steps and the support to get there.

Join the Freelance Success Framework Now!

Choice One

You could keep doing what you’re doing, laboring away at a job that you don’t like that makes you dread getting up in the morning AND that pays you so much less than you’re worth on top of it. You could keep putting your trust in an on-staff job that, frankly, isn’t worthy of your trust. You could keep relying on one paycheck and one income source. Choice one is to keep living that life and to keep living it indefinitely.

Choice Two

You confirm for yourself that your life and your happiness are worth more than what you’ve been settling for. That the 80,000 hours (at least) you’ll spend working in your life won’t be just an underpaid slog. That you won’t be putting your livelihood at risk by putting all your eggs in one basket. That you won’t look back years later and wish you’d taken the chance to freelance and travel or wish you’d freelanced and spent more time with your loved ones. I mean, regrets like those aren’t what we dreamt about as kids, right?

Choice two is that you move forward and take control of your career, your income, and your life. You can do this and you’re about to get all the steps and the support to get there.

Join the Freelance Success Framework Now!



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